Friday, April 6, 2018

Changing it Up

Hey Guys.
Let me update you on what's been going on. As of now I have completed my table of contents. I did a few minor changes from my original layout that I had posted earlier, but overall it is still somewhat similar. I decided to make it two pages because that is what my teacher advised and I decided to include page numbers instead of roman numerals like I had originally wanted. Here's the first page of it.

I have also changed what my two page spread is going to be about. Instead of having an interview I am going to give and overall view of who Generation Z is. So far, I have already completed the first page of my spread, but I want to fix it up a bit before I post anything about it. I decided to incorporate the color red so it would look good next to my table of contents.
Well, that's all I've got for now.

Stay tuned.

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