Saturday, March 3, 2018

and so it continues...

I'm back! I have finally figured out what to name my magazine. At first, I wanted to name it Culture. I considered this would reflect what magazine is going to offer. However, this name already belongs to a magazine and I didn't want to get into copyright issues. I started brainstorming, asking some friends for ideas, and conducting some research online to see exactly what ideas I could find that would help reflect what my magazine is about. It was actually my teacher, Tstok, who helped discover the name of my magazine and I couldn't be happier with it. So the name of my magazine is *drum roll* ... MADE IN. The name comes from the tags of clothing displaying where the product came from. This name will allow people to know that my magazine is a link between fashion and culture.

I have also continued my research on magazines with a similar genre to mine in hope of getting inspiration for a layout. I have figured that my magazine is kinda like a mesh between National Geographic and a fashion magazine, to say the least, so I have derived information from both styles.
Image result for national geographic magazine afghan girl cover     
National Geographic: history, and world culture.
Image result for another magazine
 AnOther: fashion and culture


Tank: contemporary culture, fashion, art

I love how the magazines showcase a person and make them the center of attention. The image base cover will allow the reader to be intrigued towards what the cover story will be about. Now I have to figure out the audience the magazine is trying to reach. Ahh!!! I'm so excited!

Stay tuned.


National Geographic Cover:
1985: THE AFGHAN GIRL (THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC). (2015, February 16). Retrieved March 03, 2018, from

AnOther Magazine and Tank Cover:
Code. (n.d.). Retrieved March 03, 2018, from

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