Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Who’s this actually for?

The fashion industry usually targets their magazines towards women especially those in their late teens to their mid thirties. However, Made In magazine is, like I said, a mesh between National Geographic and a fashion editorial magazines. One of my inspirations, i-D magazine targets their magazines to this age group in major cities around the world, especially those who are studying or have graduated from a creative industry like design, fashion, and cultural arts. Unlike commercial fashion magazines like In-Style and Allure, the magazines I have drawn inspiration from target both genders and a multitude of races. These magazines are meant to showcase diversity which is something I am trying to accomplish.

National Geographic is also a magazine  I have drawn inspiration from. This magazine is targeted to those to intellectuals in many different fields ranging from ages of mid twenties to late fifties and early sixties. The magazine also has a strong influence from cultures from all around the world making it suitable for a diverse amount of people.  National Geographic is also starting to focus on the audience of children and teenagers. According to them they're "focused on the guardians of that future: our children. Our education programs give teachers the tools they need to engage students of all ages, reveal our interconnected world, and inspire new generations of responsible citizens, explorers, and changemakers."

Another magazine I have drawn inspiration from is AnOther magazine which is “blend of high fashion and world-class photography with features on the arts, politics and literature continues to make each beautifully crafted edition a collectors’ item”  Just like this magazine, my magazine will be distributed only a few times a year to specific vendors as well as through subscription in order to reach out to my target market.  Made In magazine is meant to be a collectors item where they all correlate but, talk about a certain country and aspect in the world wide industry.

Collector magazines produced by AnOther magazine

In story short, Made In magazine will be targeted to both men and women of many diverse cultures and backgrounds. It will target people in their early twenties to mid thirties and possibly provoke the interest of people in their late teens. It will be more of a fashion editorial magazine rather than a commercial one and stories and interviews based on the fashion trends in a culture. Only a few editions will be produced per year (ex: one per season) and will distributed by subscription and specific vendors in major cities to reach the market of consumers that will be optimal for the the genre presented.

Stay tuned.

F. (2016, December 05). I-D Magazine Target Audience. Retrieved March 06, 2018, from http://www.lsbu-multimedia-journalists.co.uk/nunesdasilva/2016/10/16/i-d-magazine-target-audience/

About Us. (n.d.). Retrieved March 06, 2018, from https://www.nationalgeographic.org/about-us/

A. (2011, March 04). About Us. Retrieved March 06, 2018, from http://www.anothermag.com/about-us

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