Saturday, March 17, 2018

Too much to do...

Recently, my class met in groups to discuss our projects and I got some insight on what exactly the others in the group thought of my project. They thought that my idea for the magazine was pretty cool and interesting, but that it would be a little difficult. That's fine, though, because I love a little bit of a challenge. The group also told me that it would be better to base my magazine in the United States for this issue because it will be easier to get images for it. I don’t want to base it in another country and then not have the images look authentic.Overall, my peers really liked the concept. I have a lot more confidence in what I’m producing because the idea is attracting the attention of my peers.

I have also decided to get the subscription for Canva and let me tell you how great it is. You can upload fonts and have access to a ton of new templates and images that ease the process of creating a magazine.

I have decided that I’m going to take spring break to my advantage and shoot in Miami(Wynwood area) to take some cool shots of some cool individuals (some I might just grab off the street). I've been really busy this week, so I'm going to take the time tomorrow to sketch all my layouts and figure out exactly every part of my magazine. I feel like I'm falling a bit behind aghh...

Stay tuned.

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